Trijų Baltijos šalių vaistų agentūrų specialistai susitiko Rygoje

Lapkričio 10 dieną Rygoje įvyko trijų Baltijos šalių vaistinius preparatus kontroliuojančių tarnybų susitikimas, kurį suorganizavo Latvijos valstybinė vaistų kontrolės agentūra.

Lietuvos ir Estijos atstovai pasveikino latvių kolegas su agentūros įkūrimo dešimtmečiu, pristatė savo šalies agentūrų struktūrą, veiklą, veiklos ypatumus, kartu aptarė visoms Baltijos šalims aktualius vaistinių preparatų registracijos, perregistracijos, farmakologinio budrumo, vaistų reklamos klausimus, susipažino su Latvijos specialistų sukurta informacine sistema (žr. bendrą trijų Baltijos šalių susitikimo protokolą anglų k.).

Meeting of Drug Regulatory Authorities of Three Baltic States

10 November 2006




The Baltic Meeting took place on 10 November 2006 in Riga.  It was organized by the State Agency of Medicines (SAM) of Latvia in close cooperation with the State Agency of Medicines (SAM) of Estonia and the State Medicines Control Agency (SMCA) of Lithuania.

Objectives of this meeting were the discussion about the most rational procedures in implementation of some EU legislation requirements, further development of the cooperation, exchange of information, and the discussion about the possibilities of mutual consultation between the experts.


In the beginning of the meeting the overviews about the basic functions, financing and structure of all three agencies were presented.

Subsequently the work was organized in the groups of interests. As everybody wished to see the new Information System of the SAM Latvia (ZVAIS) it was presented to all of the participants. 

Discussions took place in following working groups:

  1. Marketing authorisation issues of  human medicines, labelling

  2. Quality control and import / export issues

  3. Medicines advertising

  4. Clinical trials

  5. IT issues – discussion after the presentation and practical demonstration of the system


The results of discussions and some conclusions were summarized in the closing meeting:


1. Baltic labelling

The common guideline is in force and used quite widely by the companies. A problem for companies is the case when the 3 agencies are not following the guidelines or are interpreting it differently. Several practical examples were looked at and common solutions decided. It was agreed that specialists from 3 agencies would communicate via e-mails more closely to avoid the misunderstandings for the companies.


2. Pharmacovigilance

a. Co-operation on PSURs

The agencies will work out possible solutions taking into account the developments in the EU network on work sharing on PSURs, look at the possibilities to keep the issues in the same cycle. The agencies agreed that for medicinal products authorised in Estonia, Latvia and Lithuania Marketing Authorisation Holders may submit PSUR’s to all agencies at the same time respecting deadlines requested by legislation.

b. Risk management plans

The responsibility of a physician to follow the SPC’s and especially some actions coming from risk management plans was discussed. The task of agencies is to ensure the availability of all the safety information and take an active part in informing the professional society and patients.


3. Import from 3rd countries

Some overview was given and some practical questions were raised. The involvement of GMP specialists was discussed.


4. Co-operation between the labs of 3 agencies

The idea was warmly welcomed and it was decided that the heads of the labs and chief specialists will meet within 1-2 months and start elaborating the possible directions and practical solutions of this co-operation.


5. Medicines advertising control

Systems of three countries were described. Currently the practices are rather different and so is the practical experience. Latvia has a pre-vetting system of all advertisements and has a 5 person unit (4MDs, 1 tech) in the Agency with additional legal support available. The enforcement is carried out by the pharmaceutical inspectorate. Other two countries have all the functions in the agencies, but no specialised units. Lithuania has got new legislation and is in the process of preparing detailed regulations. Estonia has had rather similar regulations for the long time; last version is in the Medicinal Products Act available in English from It was concluded that it would be helpful to have the legislation and basic guidance documents available in English at the web-sites of the agencies.


6. Clinical trials

Colleagues from Latvia and Estonia discussed level of harmonization and compliance with Directive of local legislation, existing procedure of authorisation of clinical trials, recruitment of experts from outside, clinical trial fees, qualification of investigators, trial centres (tendency of decentralization), work of Ethic committees, GCP inspections, SOPs related to clinical trials. Practical questions regarding concrete projects were raised.


Further need for close co-operation between Baltic drug regulatory agencies was positively confirmed.

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